Mask and fill-in


New Member

I would like to know how to set a mask on a fill-in, to force the user's entry?
For example, i'd like to set this format on my fill-in : "AA9AA_999_999A",
with each "A" = one character, each "9" = one integer and each "_" = a space.

Is it possible?

EDIT : I know it's possible on a displayed value in a browse, but i'd like to do it on the 'value-changed' of a fill-in.

Thank you.
If you know it IS possible on a browse widget, why not just copy the code
and make it fit ???

I am NOT understanding UR exact requirements, could U please clarify


New Member
The value displayed in the browse is "AI52 A3B 44", respecting the format "AA99 A9A 99", so it can be displayed in this format in the browse because the value is known.

But i'd like to force the format on the 'value-changed' of a fill-in. So, the user type the first letter, 'B' for example, and the 'value-changed' event display an error "The fill-in format expecting a character in position 2", the character on position 2 will be the next character typed by the user...

Is it better? :s
I think you can not get a normal way to set it by Mask, but you could have another way to achieve, see the following code which can control end user only can input A--Z or 0--9 , you can modify it base on your requrement.

def var a as char format "x(11)" .
def var key as integer .
update a editing :
key = lastkey.
if (key >= 65 and key <= 90) or (key>48 and key<=57) then
apply lastkey.