Killing a user through the proshut command doesn´t release locked records


New Member
This is something very curious that ocurred in during a multiuser test in our production enviroment, but i would be very worried if this shows on our production databases during regular working hours. the user number x000 was locking a database record and since the record of this table is being access by our aplication frequently we didn´t have another choice but to shut down the user, the problem was that after killing the user it was still blocking the same record. we were able to verify that the user had been disconnected throught the promon utility, but we also notice through the Record Locking Table from promon that the user number x000 was still blocking the database record. What could it cause this to happen? has any one seen something like this?

I would appreciate ypur comments.


I remember seeing this in DEC environment under version 9.0 I believe. Never reported it to Progress, not sure if still occuring. The locks did disappear after 30 minutes to an hour. definitely distressing though.