Interface with VB app


New Member
Hi there,

I am trying to accomplish the following task: update couple of fields in progress tables from a vb application. Normally one can easily accomplish with the SQL statement:

Update lt-master set stage = 60 where lt-acnt = 6789 and stage < 60

However in my case the table has the trigger and in order to update this table I have to implement a "disable trigger" statement.

Question #1. Anybody know how to implement Disable Trigger in SQL statement?

Well, since I did not know how to do it I had to create a Progress script and pass parameters to it via command line. So far so good. However, in order for me to know whether Progress has indeed updated the record ( because it is possible that some user has locked the record) I need to read the record back and compare values stored in the table fields with the values I am sending from vb application. And it's here where I am hitting the wall. If I stop the vb execution at this point and use Progress to verify the values it is updated correctly, however when I read the same record from vb it reads nulls.

Question #2. How should I construct my progress code to make sure that values were indeed written into a table vb. being kept in some kind of buffer. In other words what is the analog of committ transaction in Progress.