how to setup appserver

How do I connect to an OpenEdge 10 db across the internet?
How do I set up an app server?
What do I need to do to make my windows box, an app server? I have the required licenses though unsure what are the steps I must do to?

Casper Moderator
Staff member
  1. Make a webclient or a webapplication
  2. search psdn for examples
  3. Nothing. Appserver is a progress product, not a machine
  4. Read the documentation


Active Member
Do you really want to connect to an OE DB across the Internet? I think you really mean, "I want to connect to an OE AppServer across the Internet, and that AppServer is going to be connected to a local OE DB", which is quite a different proposition.

To connect to an OE AppServer over the Internet you would generally use AIA = AppServer Internet Adapter = a PSC-supplied Java app that wraps the proprietary AppServer stuff in HTTP or HTTPS and thereby let's you traverse firewalls and so on.