Forum Post: Memory leak when using SESSION:CURRENT-REQUEST-INFO

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Paul Radbone

Hi, I have an issue with some code that I'm trialling (REST service, code running on appserver). If I run this code in a method called from the REST service, I get a memory leak on the appserver. Looking at the Server Pool Control in the Openedge Explorer, every time the method is run, the memory usage increases. I left this over the course of a day and both servers were using 500MB of memory. MESSAGE SESSION:CURRENT-REQUEST-INFO:ClientContextId. temp = SESSION:CURRENT-REQUEST-INFO:GetClientPrincipal(). l_user_id = temp:USER-ID. DELETE OBJECT temp. I get the issue with either of the SESSION:CURRENT-REQUEST-INFO: statements. If I comment these two statements out of the code, the memory usage is normal. If I leave either statement in the code, the memory usage increases. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

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