
New Member
I use the NATIVE attribute in the FILL-IN fields
of my applycations.

I think it is an intersting recourse.

But the colours that Native attibute uses (GRAY & LT-GRAY)
are difficult to read.

Is there any easy way to change the default colours
of the NATIVE attribute ?


There is an progress.ini file setting that you can use called 'Keep3DFillInBorder' (I think that I've got the spelling right). In the [StartUp] section of your ini file, (or in the registry) if you add:


Then all disabled fill-in's will appear similar to NATIVE but their disabled text will be black.

So why is this different? Well, when the NATIVE attribute is enabled, this means that MS-Windows (the NATIVE operating system) will design the fill-in with a 3D border and it will set the disabled text colour to that specified in your colour-scheme (usually grey and hard to read).

When NATIVE is disabled but 'Keep3DFillInBorder' is 'yes', MS-Windows will draw a 'flat' field, and Progress will then draw a 3D border around the fill-in manually. This sometimes results in some flickering each time Progress refreshes the frame, but it depends how fast your graphics card is.

As MS-Windows 'thinks' that the non-3D field is just a piece of text, its colour is set to whatever colour is specified in your colour-scheme for text, which is usually black.
