Question Fields TAB order issue


New Member
Hello All,

This is related to Progress ADM smart objects. I have one dynamic screen on which i placed 3 fields say (A,B,C) and assign them Tab-order say(1,2,3) respectively. Initially field B is disabled on the screen. The field B gets enabled on the basis of some conditions applied on the field A say condition xyz. When the condition xyz is FALSE in that case on pressing TAB in field A, focus goes to field C which is ok. But when the condition xyz is TRUE in that case focus is not shifted to field B rather it is again shifting to field C.

To disable the field initially, i placed the code in enablefields. Field A is dynamic lookup. when i am pressing TAB in field A, lookupComplete event is running. So i simply override lookupComplete event and added some code for checking conditions on the basis of which field B is getting enabled/disabled.

Please suggest what else i need to do???


Well-Known Member
The tab order is defined at the frame level and it usually reflects the order in which the objects have been added to the frame. Therefore I think you should have a look into the frame propeties and fix the default tab order.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.