Feeling burnt out


ProgressTalk Moderator
Staff member
Hey guys,

It's being a couple of crazy month. I think, I've worked straight for the past month, including weekends, crazy hours etc. And a serious emergency somewhere in the middle that I was called into, that had me working round the clock for a couple of days.

I usually like to only work part time, half a week now that I'm my own boss but there's always these peeks and I'm cautious about saying no to work cause customers usually tend not to ask again, ever again. The work just never ends.

I'm still green as a consultant and still finding my way around. How do you guys coupe (besides Vodka) ? any words of wisdom :) I'm also thinking about maybe hiring college student/s to spread some of the work instead of passing over customers and the management involved, and I was wondering if anyone had similar experiences.
