Database not accepting New Connections



I am facing this issue quite often where database(Local Region) simply does not accept new connections. At first i thought that the number of users -n parameters has exceeded(This was not the case as the counts was much below and no message displayed exceeding number of connections) Looking at the database i noticed there were many idle connections which were not disconnected so got rid of the idle connections still no use. Finally I had to bring down the database(database came down gracefully) and restarted and everything was normal. Any Idea what is triggering this situation. Currently I am on 9.1E and solaris.

Arshad Taqvi

Casper Moderator
Staff member
How did you get rid of the idle connections?
What errors do you get if you try to connect to the database?
Do you only have problems with remote connections or also with self service clients?
Do you use SQL?



By idle connection I mena even though the user was not using the application but at the database level it showed the connection active and the user was connected to database. Simply got rid off through proshut <db> -C disconnect <usrnbr>

There is no error message generated simply it hangs up.

No issues with remote connections.

We used to use SQL through ODBC but now completly stopped it due to share locking issues.

Arshad Taqvi

Casper Moderator
Staff member
I had this problem with appserver connections on AIX TL5. This turned out to be a bug of AIX, AIX TL6 solved it for me. Seemed like the OS caused inactive connections to die. The appserver log posted abnormal shutdown event though.
Maybe this gives an idea what could be the problem.
Anyway, did the idle users disconnect fine? No errors?
Did the database shutdown properly when you restarted it?
You use solaris SPARC or INTEL?
Did you try installing SP4?
