Creating a database table, with fields


New Member
I am completely new to Progress. I don't even
have the database yet. I have been reading
the manuals to find out how to create a table.
All I have found is the process to start the data dictionary using the Procedure
Editor in the Progress Basic Database Tools manual. That only shows how to create the table
but doesn't seem to offer the opportunity to
add fields.

Is it possible to create a script that can be run
to create tables? If so, where do I find this
in the manuals. If not, how does one create a
table and add fields to it?


Bill Heney


Hi Bill,

I'd say there's plenty more fore you to read in the Progress documentation! If you do not have all of the documentation available to you (there's actually many books), you can read those online through Progress' website ( You can either read the documentation through a HTML interface or download it in pdf format. Note that when you order Progress Products you should also receive the documentation in paper format (the actual books you receive depend on the products you have purchased) and in electonic form on a cd (the complete documentation set).

Anyway, back to the question at hand.

You can (and should) use the Data Dictionary to:
- Add/Maintain Tables
- Add/Maintain Fields to tables
- Add/Maintain Indices to tables
- Add/Maintain Database triggers (on tables and fields)
- Add/Maintain Sequences

You can also export and import database tables (structure) and the contents of the tables. To do this you use the Database Administration tool.

I suggest you have a look at the available documentation. Refer to the following documents regarding the database (in the Database collection of the online documentation:
- Progress Database Administration Guide and Reference
- Progress Database Design Guide

Since you are new to Progress, I would also suggest you read/study the books in the following collections:
- Progress Getting Started (especially Progress Language Tutorial for Character and/or Windows)
- Progress 4GL (espacially (Progress Programming Handbook and Progress Language Reference).

And then there is always the option of follwing courses at Progress...

I hope you will enjoy your experience with Progress. It's pretty good and I must say I love it :)

Of course when you encounter difficulties or questions (which you most probably will), you can always refer back to ProgressTalk.
