Copying a Database


New Member
I'm not sure if this is a database admin issue or a development issue. Probably some of both.

We are considering copying our full database to be used for a new company operating within the same office/network. I'd appreciate input from anyone as to things to take into consideration and possible pitfalls to look out for. After speaking to some colleagues, I have come up with the following rough plan:

1. Keep 2 sets of compiled code but only one set of source code. This way I don't have to worry about making sure the CRC's always match.

2. I/O: Assess all applications that read/write outside of the database and make necessary changes to avoid I/O conflicts between the 2 databases.

3. Assess database tables to determine what data is needed in both applications - e.g. country codes (what's the best way to share data?? - keep 2 copies, link?)

4. Do something to make the user interfaces look different so same users should not get confused and enter stuff into the wrong db.

If you have anything to add, I would greatly appreciate it! This is the largest project of this kind that I have undertaken and I am kind of overwhelmed!

Thank you,
