Compile version


Hi everyone,

How can i make a program written under progress 10.1B compatible with any
prior version ? I can only compile from a 10.1B progress


Save the src as a flat file. Unless the src uses syntax / functions / methods that were not available in earlier versions the compile will be able to execute. E.G how can a V8 compiler appreciate the Publish / Subscribe mecanism?? This was not available back then. The mecanisms of the language are consistent. Simply save the src file as a .tmp then use OpenEdge to open.

Casper Moderator
Staff member
Hi K4sh

If you mean with compatible that it can run with any prior version, then the only thing I can think of is to xcode the source and run it in prior version with the -rx option.
You have to have a compiled program in your prior version which has a statement like:
/* procedure comp.p */
compile session:parameter save.

This program compiles the xcoded source.

If you have for example a program with the name test, you can compile it by issueing the following statement:
mpro [I]dbname[/I] -rx -p comp.p -param [I]xcodedprogram.x[/I]

Maybe you should take a look at Joey's Admin script for an example of what I mean:

Obviously you should'nt use any keywords which are not compatible with version you want you program to run with....

