compile error - Preprocessor expansion buffer overflow


New Member

I'm getting the following error while trying to compile a program in Prog 9.1C env.
Preprocessor expansion buffer overflow. (2939)

I'm trying to compile an application with about 50 dot p's and some include files. The error pops out at one particular program, all other files compile without errors.
I use the dB progress editor for compiling. I have already played around with the db startup parameter -inp increasing to max possible value (32000), but no luck!

Any suggestions/inputs/hints/opinions ??

Thanks in advance!

Casper Moderator
Staff member
Hi vvn04,

Most times i get a preprocessor buffer expansion overflow it has to do with quotes.
I mean if you define a preprocessor in an include like

{ someinclude.i
&Somepreprocessor = " code ....
&Anotherpreprocessor = " code "
} .

In the example above you can get a preprocessor expansion buffer overflow because the first preprocessor definition is'n't closed. (missing quote).
De most easy way to find it is by streaming the preprocessed code (.ppo) to an procedure editor. There you can check syntax and see the exact location where the error occurs. Most times a missing closing double qoute.
