ABL Connect to a WebSpeed broker.


19+ years progress programming and still learning.

About 6 months ago I was at Mini Progress 1 day event in Auckland/NZ and I was tolled that in OE10 that the Appserver and WebSpeed are technically now the same. The core code is the same for both.

So my question is it possible to connect to a Webspeed broker/agent from the ABL the same way as you would connect to an AppServer.



ProgressTalk.com Moderator
Staff member
WebSpeed and Appserver are different forms of The OpenEdge server. So essentially they are the same (character 4GL client) but in detail they are not.
A WebSpeed broker handles WebSpeed agents and an Appserver broker handles Apsserver servers.
from the documentation:
The AppServer servers are 4GL clients that accept a RUN request from other 4GL (or Open) clients.
The WebSpeed agents are 4GL clients that will accept requests from the WebSpeed Messenger and run the requested program. The output of the program is sent through a special stream to the Messenger and then through the Web server to the requesting client.



19+ years progress programming and still learning.
Thanks. I thought it would be like that. Just asking the question.