
  1. P

    Resolved DataSet on Class ERROR

    Hello there! I used a progress tool to convert a xml file to a .i (temp-tables + dataset). After doing it, i tried reading a xml file with data and export it again to see if everything was as expected and it was. However, when i referenced that include in a class i get the following error...
  2. S

    READXML > Dataset / temp-table - how are relationships created?

    I have an XML file, that I bring into a dataset that has 4 temp-tables. I CAN see the data in the temp-tables, BUT where I am confused (LOST) is the fact that I don't see the below process creating the relationships between the temp-tables. I would expect the "parentid" fields to be populated...
  3. B

    How to find out if record is locked

    Hello community, by a PHP Application i want to update a dataset inside a Progress-Table, that is working generally. But it is possible to work on the same dataset inside our EPR-System that locks the dataset. Now when i want to update the dataset this i get this error. SQL error...
  4. I

    Using dataset of buffers of temp-tables passed with binding

    Hi everyone, I have a dataset which I am passing to another procedure using BIND. In that procedure, I need to define a dataset on a subset of the first dataset's temp-tables; however, Progress does not let me put the same buffer in two datasets so I must define the new dataset on new named...
  5. D

    Write-xml: Exporting A Single Dataset Record

    Is there any way to export a single dataset record, either using WRITE-XML or some other method? The code below is a simplified example of what I'm trying to do: Export each tt1 and associated tt2 data into individual files, each file with a single tt record and its associated td records. The...
  6. M

    Error Error - 7317 - Dataset issue - Noobie.

    I have tried to create a dataset fill example however i keep running into the same error: When i run the code below I get the following error: ADD/SET-BUFFERS may not be used on static query qTradep. The results i get back are in the attachments, The customer table is filled with 0(s) instead...