Search results

  1. J

    Index Questions

    Hi folks. Is there any sort of index statistics in a Progress database? Somthing like: table customer has 4 indexes. 70% of all searches are done by using index 1. the other 3 were each used in 10% of the queries. I know that the compiler determines which index is used and that I can look it up...
  2. J

    setting -assemblies param at runtime

    10.2B Does anyone know if it's possible to set the assemblies directory (in which the AVM looks for assemblies) at runtime? cheers, Jan
  3. J

    Images in Visual Desginer

    Hi, we are starting to implement a new .net UI with Progress 10.2b and Infragistics Controls 2009. To keep the resource files (*.resx) that Progress generates for every .net Window as small as possible and to programatically restrict the developers from using non-standard images, we want to...
  4. J

    logging reads/writes

    hi there, has anyone got an idea if I can tell progress to log every read and write to any table? I need more than _tablestat though. I want to know exactly which record has been read/written. I had a quick glance through the other VSTs but couldnt find anything usefull. Any ideas? Cheers, Jan
  5. J

    source code control system

    g'day is there anybody who uses svn or git as sccs? if you do - how do you do impact analysis (changing an include has to trigger the compilation of all the files that use that include)? i'd be delighted if anyone would share some useful hooks or at least give me some ideas of how things could...
  6. J

    job forum

    is the job forum only for employers and if not - why is it locked? ;)
  7. J

    dynamic assign

    win 9.1c i have got 2 tables with nearly the same structure. i want to compare both the following way: i grab the _file with the name of my first table. then i grab the _field of _file. now i've got all fields which i store in a temp table with a numeric counter. eg: 1 name 2 adress...