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  1. A

    Sort file size limit exceeded 2GB

    We are executing a GL transaction year-end close (glyrcl.p) in QAD and are running into a file size limitation with sort file that is being created when client connection is established. I know this is a limitation of progress but I was wondering if anyone is aware of any work around this...
  2. A

    bkioWrite:Insufficient disk space during write

    Does anyone know what can cause this error: 16384, offset 153552, file /allp/db/data00/allpedi.d11. (9450) 22:50:24 Usr 9: bkioWrite:Insufficient disk space during write, fd 448, len 16384, offset 153552, file 22:50:24 APW 6: Stopped. (2520) 22:50:24 BROKER 0: Begin ABNORMAL shutdown...
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    data load

    I'm new to progress, so please forgive me if my question is unclear? We're loading three txt files into progress database and with the validation piece it takes 4-5 hours to delete the data and about 30 hours to insert. We have three files: one of them is really big - 6 mln records. I assume...