Recent content by mrobles

  1. mrobles

    Database Disconnection

    Thanks a lot Rob.
  2. mrobles

    Database Disconnection

    Hi. We have: - Progress 11.5. - Windows server 2012 Standard - 5 databases. - Systems made Progress client/server working since 17 years (with upgrades). Since the last week users are disconnected from databases after 2 (+-) hours of connection. I suppose, the server administrator is doing...
  3. mrobles

    Field Too Large For A Data Item

    May be you are adding characters to the field in a cicle till it crashes.
  4. mrobles

    Excel Sheet Counting

    DEF VAR i AS INT. DEF VAR actual AS INT. DEF VAR nombre as CHAR. I = chExcelApplication:Sheets:COUNT. DO actual = 1 to i. chWorkSheet = chExcelApplication:Sheets:ITEM(cual) NO-ERROR. nombre = TRIM(chExcelApplication:Sheets:Item(actual):NAME). END.
  5. mrobles

    Question Log

    Thanks a lot Tom.
  6. mrobles

    Question Log

    Thanks a lot !!!
  7. mrobles

    Question Log

    It's ok. is the .lic file, now how can I interpret it?
  8. mrobles

    Question Log

    Hi All. I'm here again with a question. What is the name of the file containing the number of users accessing Progress? Thanks a lot. Mario Robles
  9. mrobles


    Hi and thanks to everyone. Then, many times progress can not save in the registry, although I execute the install procedure as administrator. I searched promsgs in the registry and not found any entry. Normally I use an .ini file, but I have that "pebble in the shoe" from many time ago.
  10. mrobles


    Hi. Why Progress not puts the environment variables at the time of installation? This happened in a) Windows 8 and Progress 11.1 b) Windows 10 and Progress 11.5 The variables are DLC and PROMSGS, Also not puts the DLC to the path variable Thanks a lot.
  11. mrobles

    Max Browse Columns

    Hi. A customer needs more tan 100 columns in a browse. We want to know, which is the maximum number of columns in a browse? If the answer is 128, is there a way to increase this number? Thank a lot.
  12. mrobles

    Help needed on COM-Handle.

    Siempre es agradable compartir ...
  13. mrobles

    Excel Copy and Paste losing Merged Cells

    Hi. You are using 2 sheets. I use something like this to walk between them chWorkSheet:Range('A1'):Value = 'HOLA'. chWorkSheet:Range('J10'):Value = 'ADIOS'. chWorksheet:range('A1:J10'):SELECT. chExcelApplication:SELECTION:COPY. chWorksheet:range('A1'):SELECT...
  14. mrobles

    Help: Search Calling Programs of Include Files

    I agree Stefan MRobles
  15. mrobles

    Help: Search Calling Programs of Include Files

    Hi. I made a little documentation system and the way i used is: 1.- Read the directory(s) where the programs resides 2.- Compile .W and .P programs with xref. COMPILE VALUE(prog1) SAVE XREF VALUE(txt_file) 3.- Analize each line of the txt_file with progress. If the line contains 'include'...