Z Order of screens


New Member
I'm working in a package that has about 150 screens, 100 or so developed with the procedure editor and the rest in the UIB. (8.3c) Some screens launch behind the calling screen and some launch on top (which is what we want).

Is there any way to programmatically force every screen to launch to the top of the Z-Order? Especially those that were originally done with a procedure editor!

Many thanks in advance to anyone with info on this--Jim


Junior???? Member
Hello Howell!

I have this piece of code, which I call from my menu-window.

Hope it helps


Purpose: Brings a window on top, and gives first field focus.
Parameters: Handle to the window

def input param hWin as widget-handle no-undo.

def var hChild as widget-handle no-undo.

hChild = hWin:first-child. /* First frame */
hChild = hChild:first-child. /* Field group */
hChild = hChild:first-tab-item. /* First tab item in group */

hWin:window-state = WINDOW-NORMAL.
if valid-handle( hChild ) then
apply "ENTRY":U to hChild.