-yy paramere issue


Hi all,

I have set -YY param to 1920 .The problem is when entering some old dob like 12/12/18 dob will be inserted as 12/12/2018, but actually it should be 12/12/1918 .

Changing the code is what i supposed to do,but is there some other way to handle this so that i neednt have to edit each and every programs in my app. (having more than 100 such files) .

Also when when entering some dates like passport expiry , 12/12/18 should have to be inserted as 12/12/2018.

Please share some points on it...



Since you have dates that are used across centuries, the logical way to get it fixed is to change code and make all your display/updates to have 4 digit year. For the example that you have, you can fix it by using 1915 as the yy parameter. But if you have a dataset with dob as 01/01/11, neither you or I would be able to tell if its 1911 or 2011, let alone a program logic.
