wonderware ODBC and progress


New Member
Hi there!

Here my problem:
Got PC with win2k SP2.
Client Networking 8.3D
ODBC Merant 3.7
In-touch from Wonderware.

I setup my ODBC connection..... i can connect, read and disconnect without any problem. When i want to write with read-committed info back to the DB..... in-touch return with no error code but with this string from MERANT ODBC Driver "RC=-1, SQLCODE=-1, SQLSTATE="50000" "

On server side:
HP-UX 10.20B
Progress 8.3B
My IOB is started with this params -SV -S odbc-dev -H dfils -N tcp -L 20000.

if i use MS Access to Make a mods test, i got a lock overflow...

does anybody have an idea......:confused:


New Member
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