Which program is locking a record?


Hi, is it possible to know which program is locking a record?

Now I know how to reach the locking user, but usually a user has many opened programs, and the record could be held by more than one of those programs.

I have been searching in tables _connect, _file and _lock, and searching the KB, but I had no luck.

Can anybody help me, please?

We use Progress 9.1C on Windows Server 2003; the workstations are all in several Windows.


9.1c is ancient, obsolete and unsupported. You should upgrade.

Starting with 10.1C it is possible to obtain a stack trace of the programs a user is running via the _Connect VST. This stack trace shows the programs and current line number. You can use that to determine where a record lock is coming from.

The 4th & 5th sample screen shots on the ProTop page show examples.


Oh, thanks.

We don't know if this enterprise is going to buy 10.1, they are evaluating SAP and Microsoft Dynamics.

Dynamics has just sent their prices, and it is awfully expensive, even worst than 10.1.