Validating (User ID and Password)


New Member
Hi everyone
I'm creating a login page for student registration mow my problem is I failing to validate what the Student enters on the two form fields, that is the User ID and Password fields with what is stored in the database i'm using. i've managed to write code to find the particular User ID and Password now where to go from there is a problem what im i supposed to do please HELP!!!!!!

New Student

If you are using the Progress database security _User table, then the check for a password match is

IF ENCODE(cEnteredPassword) EQ _User._Password THEN DO:
  /* success */

Alternatively, without locating the _User record, you could use
ASSIGN lSuccess = SETUSERID(cUserName,cEnteredPassword,LDBNAME(1)).
IF lSuccess THEN DO:
  /* success */
If you're NOT using Progress database security, then you're going to have to supply some more information.

Hope this helps