Upgrade 8.3E to 9.1D - unresolved symbol errors

Keith Owens

New Member

HPUX 11 (32 bit)
We are testing the upgrade to 9.1D (32 bit)

We installed from cd & couldn't start any servers so applied the patch to bring us to 9.1D09

Now we cannot build a new executable & bind in our C routines. We get the messages;
/prg/tocc/viewdata/progres > make progres
./ldhlcrx: Loading /prg/tocc/viewdata/progres/_progres
(Bundled) cc: warning 480: The +Z option is available only with the C/ANSI C pr.
/usr/ccs/bin/ld: Unsatisfied symbols:
uncompress (first referenced in ./4gl/ubc.o) (code)
compress2 (first referenced in ./4gl/ubc.o) (code)
./ldhlcrx: FAILED to load /prg/tocc/viewdata/progres/_progres
./ldhlcrx: WARNING: Original /prg/tocc/viewdata/progres/_progres is restored
*** Error exit code 1

Does anybody know the solution to this one. Progress advised to apply OS patches PHSS_22543, 22868 and 22478 but when our unix admin analysed these they are for 64 bit UX and we're only on 32.

Ringing Progress they imply that to run 32 bit V9 I still need a 64 bit kernel - surely this can't be the case.

Any suggestions are welcomed.
