UNIX to Windows


New Member
Our progress database in on our Unix server and our GUI application have been written our Windows server.
Our connection file is as follows

-db /data/ty/misc1
-N tcp
-S misc-srv

but quite often when handling a fair amount of data it becomes really slower and even with small lot of data it is significantly slower.
Is this usual or can we improve the connection file.


It may be normal.

Returning data over a TCP/IP connection is inherently slower than accessing local memory.

There may be ways to improve the situation though.

1) You can try a larger packet size (the -Mm parameter which must be set everywhere).

2) Use field lists in your code.

3) Make sure that you are using locks appropriately (#1 works best with NO-LOCK records).

4) Make sure that your queries are well structured and don't return lots of data to be sorted by the client.

5) Make sure that the db server is well tuned.

6) Use a Progress app-server to resolve queries.