Answered Unable to set attribute NAME in widget of type Control-Frame

Good Day,

Please help me about this matter..

Old Server OS : Windows 2000
New Server OS : Windows 2008 R2 64 bit

Old Progress : 9.1C
New Progress/Openedge : 11.4

Its happen after the conversion of database.. I place all the folder contains the source program to the New Server same path/location with Old Server then recompile all the program.

when i try to open the application on Server side its open but on client side the error appear

"Unable to set attribute NAME in widget of type Control-Frame. (3131)"


Well-Known Member
Obviously the code tries to set an attribute ( name in your case ) which can't be set for the object to which the handle points to ( control-frame ). AFAIK control-frames are intermediate frames to place OCX controls on an ABL frame. Without having more information ( like the offending code ) it's hard to say anything more specific. I am just wildly guessing that there is something wrong with the OCX Windows registration on your client system. But that is just a wild guess.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.

Cringer Moderator
Staff member
If you establish which piece of code is erroring you should be on the way to working it out. Did you move to 64bit client by any chance in the upgrade? Most OCXs won't work on 64bit clients.


Well-Known Member
I had to go down that route in the past. For some reason sometimes either installations failed to register the so very necessary prox.dll or it got un-registred when un-installing an older version of Progress where a reasonably recent release of OpenEdge resided on the same machine.

But - to connect the error message you see with the real issue is something you have to come up with in the first place!

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.