Unable to connect to Admin Server (8336)


I'm a noob to the admin server. Perhaps someone can point me in the right direction.

I have a Linux box with Progress 10.1C02 installed. There I started (as root) proadsv without parameters.
Also, I have a Windows box with Progress 10.1B05 installed. From there, I try to connect to the admin server on Linux with the Progress Explorer tool. However, Progress Explorer gives me an error "Unable to connect to Admin Server. Ensure that Admin Server is running (8336). In Progress Explorer I entered the username and password for the root user on Linux.

On the Linux box, I de-activated iptables (firewall). I can ping linux from windows. Also, (on linux) proadsv -q tells me that the admin server is alive. Netstat -antp also tells me that port 20931 is open for connections.

Any clues? I hope it is not the difference in versions (10.1B05 vs 10.1C02)?



Active Member
Progress explorer has to connect to the same version of Progress. Also there is no way to know what ports Progress explorer will want to use if you are trying to get through a firewall. I think these are 2 of the main reasons Progress is pushing the OpenEdge Explorer tool instead.


Thank you for your reply.
Is it really true that Progress Explorer must talk to an Admin Server of it's own kind?



It's called "exploder" for a reason...

Personally I only ever use it when forced to by local policy. The thing is worse than useless for getting any actual work done. OE Explorer is slightly more flexible but not much of an improvement.

It makes a nice demo.