trigger events on Handles


New Member
hello buddies,

i do have a frame (fMain) with a FILL-IN (FILL-IN-rut) and a Handle to a SmartDataBrowser (h_sdb_t, the AppBuilder includes it with a handle).

On "Return" of FILL-IN-rut i want to focus the h_sdb_t that the user can directly choose an entry.

I tried that with APPLY "ENTRY":U to h_sdb_t. ---> doesn't work (somehow can't use handles)
APPLY "TAB":U TO FRAME fMain. ---> doesn't work

do i have to define a function that sets the focus inside h_sdb_t or is there an other way to go.

i would apreciate any suggestion


New Member
Mike Carroll said:
If memory serves, you need to run the applyEntry method within the SDB.

doesn't work if use it like this:

RUN applyEntry IN h_sdb_t ( INPUT "cm_addr" /* CHARACTER */).

any other suggestions ?