Suppress Error from called program

Pavan Yadav

Hi All,

Anbody please tell me how to suppress the error from called program. For ex:
I have a.p & b.p.
a.p is calling b.p & b.p is having some error, so while running a.p it pop ups that error.
But i want to suppress that error.
I tried this as in a.p:
run b.p no-error.

But, it's not working. So what else i need to check in this to get the desired functionality??

tamhas Sponsor
no-error on the run is only going to handle errors encountered in the run statement in a.p, not anything in b.p. To handle errors in b.p you need to handle the errors *in* b.p. Depending on version and your intent, you can either handle the error in b.p (unless it is an error that can't be handled, in which case you are SOL) or return the error to a.p for graceful handling or throw the error to a.p for graceful handling.