SmartPak 4.4 now available

For those SmartPak users who have been waiting for a fix for SmartPak running under Progress 9.1D, a new version of SmartPak is now available from the download

The problems experienced were caused by a bug in standard ADM2 source code.

Please note that precompiled code is no longer supplied, and a recompilation will be necessary after running the Setup program.


Mike Carroll


Unable to find and download version 4.4 of Smartpak. The most current one I can find is version 4. As I am running 9.1d6, it won't work.



Mike Carroll said:
For those SmartPak users who have been waiting for a fix for SmartPak running under Progress 9.1D, a new version of SmartPak is now available from the download

The problems experienced were caused by a bug in standard ADM2 source code.

Please note that precompiled code is no longer supplied, and a recompilation will be necessary after running the Setup program.


Mike Carroll
For 9.1D06, a recompile of SmartPak will be necessary. Run the 'compile.p' procedure found in the setup folder where you installed SmartPak.


I was able to aquire a copy of 4.4 and did the recompile yesterday. Got it up and running. I moved everything to the server and added the path:
\\servername\filename\SmartPak\ to the profile before any reference to the c: drive. Don't have to install Smartpak on the workstations now.

I do have one question. Why did you start the week on Saturday? I had no trouble changing the code, but was just wondering why. We have a wall calendar here that starts on Monday, and just drives me nuts sometimes.

Thanks for you help and good work.


Mike Carroll said:
For 9.1D06, a recompile of SmartPak will be necessary. Run the 'compile.p' procedure found in the setup folder where you installed SmartPak.
Following the demise of the progressmail website where SmartPak was hosted, SmartPak 4.4 can now be downloaded from the following URL:

In answer to the last question, I don't actually recall why the calendar begins on a Saturday. It is several years old now and it was originally developed when I was learning the 4GL.

But I'll take a look at it. It should be too difficult to change the order of the displayed days, and even make the start day selectable. Check the web site occassionally for updates.



New Member
Hi Mike, I'm loking for SpartPak 4.4 but i'cant download it, that link it's no longer available and it's no longer available too.

Can you help me please?

I'm working with Progress 9.1d09

Juan F. Dominguez