Setting up NFS


New Member
I try to set a NFS on 2 different OS which are the Linux and Solaris share a directory and i encountered RPC Timed out
This are the steps i have done:

Solaris OS is the my Master Host(NFS Server),PC no:BIGSVR004
Linus OS is my Client HOst(NFS Client server),PC no:BIGCPU017

i created a directory called /export/home/sge in both the hosts

On my master host and Client host i edit the /etc/hosts file and add the follwin info: Localhost BIGSVR004 BIGCPU017

On my master host,i edit the /etc/dfs/dfstab file and add the followin info regardin which file i would like to share and to which host:

share -F nfs -o rw=BIGCPU017 /export/home/sge

after tt i start my nfs server and nfs client server,which is successfull..

After which i edit the /etc/fstab in the NFS Client Server(LINUX OS) to mount the NFS parition tt has been shared

BIGSVR004:/export/home/sge /export/home/sge nfs rw 0 0

But when i type the command:mount -a in the command prompt in Linux
RPC:Timed out is displayed

What is the reasons that may caused the problem,i have checked tt the RPC and port mapper is running

thanks in advance