Service how?


I want to set up and connect to a service. OpenEdge 10.1 on Windows.
I am trying to make my DB available on 1 instance then connect to it, to enable my app to update it.
Thanks for any help.
I would be greatful for example code.

tamhas Sponsor
It isn't clear from your message whether you simply want to start a database server and connect to it with ABL code or whether you want to make an OE database available via a web service ... two very different things. The former really should be on the DBA forum. For the later I would search on PSDN since I know there are several documents about that.


To clarify my objective. I am attempting to simply start a database server and connect to it with ABL code. I wish to encapsulate this into a shortcut. For which will launch my app.


You seem to be asking for a script which will start the db if it is not already running and then launch a session that connects to that db.

Is that correct?

You could do that with a Windows .BAT file and point a shortcut to it easily enough. You would need to decide how to handle error conditions like a crashed db that leaves a .lk file hanging around.

I'm not much of a windows .BAT file programmer and I would never actually do things this way so a code example from me is questionable but something like this ought to be a start:

@ echo off

cd \db10

call proserve -pf
call probiw sports2000
cal proapw sports2000

call mpro