Schema Lock Error


Hi Guys,

Can anyone explain what this error in the attached image actually means? The user gets this error when creating some records but not every time?!?! I can log on and create them myself without error too...

Any information would be greatly received!




Thanks Mad, I had seen that article and can also confirm we do not hit the VST's from with the system.. its a puzzler!!

Rob Fitzpatrick Sponsor
Can you reproduce this error in a test environment? Do you have source code and development tools? If yes to both then you (or someone) can step through the code in a debugger and find the offending program. Based on what you find you can address it.

If not, add -clientlog and -debugalert to the client startup parameters so you will at least have a full call stack when you hit the error. Send the client log to the developer. That should point them in the right direction.

Rob Fitzpatrick Sponsor
we don't touch _file either way.
Wild guess: it's possible (not at all likely, but possible) that the application does something bad like storing template record recids and updating them directly. This wouldn't involve _File reads at run time and could result in the error you see.


Can you reproduce this error in a test environment? Do you have source code and development tools? If yes to both then you (or someone) can step through the code in a debugger and find the offending program. Based on what you find you can address it.

No and Yes...

If not, add -clientlog and -debugalert to the client startup parameters so you will at least have a full call stack when you hit the error. Send the client log to the developer. That should point them in the right direction.

This is a good idea thanks Rob, I shall try this one..