query on pdf_Watermark


New Member

I have a requirement to print watermark at an angle.
RUN pdf_WaterMark("Spdf","DRAFT","Times-Roman",90,.87,.87,.87,50,500) prints horizontally.

Can anyone help me to print watermark at an angle????

Thanks in advance,


ProgressTalk.com Moderator
Staff member
Please see the posting guidelines (there's a handy copy in my signature).

Also, you don't tell us anything about what pdf_watermark is.


New Member
sorry for the incomplete post.

I am trying to print a pdf document from progress using PDF Include(include file which allows Progress developers to output reports in Adobe PDF file format without having to use third-party tools or utilities.).

pdf_watermark is the procedure to print a text as watermark.

progress4gl version 9.1D and OS is UNIX.


ProgressTalk.com Moderator
Staff member
Thanks for updating. I don't know how to use pdf include, but I know there are some others here who do, so I'll leave it to them to help you.