Progress V8 MFG/PRO Duplicates


New Member
What's the easiest way in Progress V8 character to display all my different statuses (pt_status) and description (pt_desc1) only once? I keep getting all my statuses with duplicates.

Thanks, Bernfish


Hi there,

If you mean you want to see all of the different status flags you use then:

for each pt_mstr NO-LOCK break by pt_status:
if first-of(pt_status) then
display pt_status.

Then its the same if you only want to see each different pt_desc1 only once.

If you have many parts though you may want to run this output to a file so that you can browse the file at your own convienience as this might take a while to run as I dont think either of these fields are indexed (I dont have a DD report handy) and you may need to view the output more than once.

