Progress 9 to 10 conversion???

Doug Johnson

New Member
We are getting ready to go from version 9 to Progress version 10. Does anyone have any ideas as to what problems we may run into? Thanks


Well-Known Member
What problems do you expect? I've done this dozens of times with different applications - never had any issue.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.
1. we had issues cause some fields had name "today", "now". It is reserved in ABL10. It can be identified by code compilation.
2. In 10.1B and later 64 bit architecture and there some difference in PUT LONG statement.
We used something like:

&Scoped-define PUT-LONG PUT-LONG
{&PUT-LONG}(nraw#,1) = value.

at programm entry point. I really do not remeber why.


Active Member
We had two problems that I am aware of:

1. AIA with Progress webclient, random-timeout type flakiness, solved by a patch.

2. Some problem with GUI combo-boxes.

Sorry, I don't know the details. I know it took a lot of energy to sort out #1. #2, we have always had problems with PSC combo-boxes, but they changed a bit in v10.