program name


Well-Known Member
You don't talk about your Progress/OpenEdge version ...

Basically, if your application ( or your database from OE10.1A on - built in auditing core service ) doesn't produce an audit trail that records such information there is no way you gonna find out which procedure was responsible for deleting a record - could even have been a temporarily compiled piece of code executed in the procedure editor.

You still could scan your code but that's like looking for a needle in a hay stack ...

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.

Cringer Moderator
Staff member
If you are able to recreate the issue, so you're not tracking down a historical issue, you can put a message in the delete trigger and get the stack trace from that to work out what's doing the delete.

tamhas Sponsor
Generally, one is concerned about who, not which program. Who requires auditing, either Progress supplied or home grown. Which program *could* have deleted a record is a simple matter of analysis to find all the deletes on that table.