Problem on updating SmartDataViewer


New Member
I'm the new guy for using progress.
I'm working on developing application with SmartObject.
I have a requirement that enable editing a field in SmartDataViewer.The value likes "2012.09.07 20:00:00 (Timezone)". I just want to use message update to change datetime value by assign the new value back to this field.But this change action cannot enable the save button and undo button on Smart Toolbar.

Can anyone help to provide a alternative solution.

Thanks a lot.


Well-Known Member
You don't tell anything about the version of ADM/Dynamics and the version Progress/OpenEdge you are talking - but guessing from your question I assume that it is some version of ADM2 and at least some OpenEdge 10.

Nevertheless, from what you describe it is not exactly clear what it is that you are trying to achieve. So I am guessing that you are trying to change the screen value of a widget from within some piece of code and, if that happens, you want the SDV's mode to be changed into update.

If my assumption is correct then you should consider the following: The SDV has an update source (usually s smart toolbar). In order to get the SDV into update mode you just need to publish the event updateMode ( "begin" ) on behalf of the toolbar and in the background the same will happen as if the user would have pressed the update button on the toolbar. Next you need to make the SDV aware that something has changed (just modifying the screen value of widget via code is not enough). You can achieve that by using setDataModified ( TRUE ).

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.