OE replication and its stability-reliability


Hi all
Need your expert advise on OE replication and its stability on Linux46 Bit 102B02, if I use the replication DB as a read only DB for all search & reporting. More information the search & create ratio is apporx 100000:1, look and book ratio.
Which approach is best for this type of OE replication.


Rob Fitzpatrick

ProgressTalk.com Sponsor
OpenEdge Replication is a Progress product that is licensed separately from the RDBMS. It comes in two versions, OE Replication and OE Replication Plus. If you want to be able to access your target database for reads, you need to license OE Replication Plus.

Is replication stable and reliable? Will your database shut down unexpectedly? That depends on how you configure things and how much attention your pay to your databases. As with any tool you can get yourself in trouble by trying to use it without understanding how to use it.

Therefore, my advice:

0) Read the section After-imaging in OE 10.2B Documentation | Data Management | Database Administration | Protecting Your Data. Read it cover to cover. If you read the entire Database Administration manual (and the Database Essentials manual too), so much the better.

1) Read the OE 10.2B Documentation | OpenEdge Replication | User Guide. Read it cover to cover.

2) Formulate some specific questions.


OE replication works just fine.

It is a pain in the neck to administer and manage. Error messages are non-standard, incredibly cryptic and misleading. The properties files are convoluted. Adequate monitoring requires the use of multiple instances of at least 3 distinct products. the solution to almost all problems is to re-initialize replication (back, copy to target, restore, restart replication... Not fun if your db is hundreds of GB and the replica is in another time-zone...)

But it does work.

Rob Fitzpatrick

ProgressTalk.com Sponsor
And as I've learned, using it reliably also requires a solid (real-world) understanding of AI. It is not obvious from the docs when you're going in a direction that is inadvisable (e.g. using fixed-size extents).