Not able to access/see the View


Hi need a help on accessing data from VIEW a through ODBC/JDBC. I am created a view through PROGRESS editor and able to access/see the data of VIEW through PROGRESS editor.

But when I login to through ODBC/JDBC/SQLEXP, I am not able to see the VIEW that I created under user sysprogress and under which I created the view.
Progress Version OE102B


Well-Known Member
Do you mean the procedure editor?

Although you might think you are coding SQL92 - in the procedure editor you are not. What the procedure editor understands is some rudimentary form of SQL89 executed on the 4GL engine of the database that has nothing to do with SQL92 and whatever you create there is therefore only available on the 4GL engine. Via ODBC/JDBC you are accessing the SQL92 database engine ...

Unless you are addicted to pain I would recommend you to forget coding SQL in the Progress procedure editor. The sooner the better.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.