Question Multiple Dialogs


New Member
Hey Guys,

I'm working on a project which requires me to open multiple dialog boxes simultaneously and should be able to navigate across them.

Do we have that feature in Progress 4GL, If not is there a workaround. Please advise.



Active Member
In OE/Progress dialog boxes are modal and will not allow a user to jump back and forth between dialog boxes..

In OE/Progress Windows can be either modal or modeless.. there are tons of applications that use Windows to do exactly what you describe.


New Member

Thanks for the feedback. I understand that Progress does not allow the user to open multiple Dialog Boxes simultaneously. I wanted to know if there is a workaround for this apart from converting my Dialog Boxes to windows.

Any solution on this would be of great help!!



It isn't so much that you need a "workaround". There isn't anything to work around. If you were to have multiple somethings open they would no longer be dialog boxes, they would be windows.

Regardless, the answer is still "no".

The solution to your problem is to create as many windows as you need. This isn't particularly difficult and it would do exactly what you say that you need. So one has to wonder why it is that you do not seem to want to pursue that path? My guess is that your training has only covered dialogs. But that is just a guess.


Active Member
Part of the confusion is probably that MS in their infinite wisdom supports modal and modeless "Dialog Boxes"... Like Tom says, once you can switch focus back and forth they aren't really Dialog Boxes in definition.