Line number in protrace file


I thought it'd be fun to try and work out what was causing protrace errors. Some of the info seems helpful, particularly the ABL stack trace. But I'm not sure how to read the line number given..

Obviously it's not the original source line number, so I tried generating a listing file (COMPILE file.p LISTING file.txt), but even taking into consideration the extra page lines (which annoyingly you can't get rid of), it doesn't seem to line up.

Is there any useful way I can use the line number given to track down the ABL code that caused the error?

Rob Fitzpatrick Sponsor
The numbers won't necessarily add up to what you see in a text editor or IDE as you may have many include files (which may have their own includes, etc.) as they all get bound together into a single .r at compile time.

Look up COMPILE STATEMENT, DEBUG-LIST option in the docs. That should give you line numbers that correspond to what you see in the protrace.


Thanks, discovered that and the PREPROCESS option. Now just need to work out which version the client has so I can check the right version of the code..