knowing which progress program's are running


New Member
hi all,

ik have a question. I busy with building a program that has to know if a specified progress program is still running. The only thing that I can find of a progress program is the prowin32.exe that is running but I want to know what his name is.

by the way the progress program's has to connect with a sonicmq server.

can any one help me with this issue.

best regards,

remco cats


ProgressTalk Moderator
Staff member
hello Remco,

from the editor or appbuilder, tools menu, launch pro*tools and run procedure object viewer ( 8th icon from the left ).

here's how to walk through the list of persistent procedures. for a more complete explanation take a look at the online help. hth

define var hProc as handle no-undo.
hProc = session:first-procedure.

repeat while valid-handle( hProc ):

    display hProc:file-name format "x(32)".
    hProc = hProc:next-sibling.

end. /* repeat */