ini file from network path

Hi All,

I have an issue that appears to be related to reading an ini file from a network drive. Our application (Version 9.1C) starts with a shortcut something like:

c:\dlc\bin\prowin32.exe -basekey "INI" -ininame f:\myini.ini -p ...

It takes about 50 seconds for progress to start (this is without any database connections, just running a pre-compiled procedure. We see a large amount of network traffic on the local hub. If I move the ini file to the local c: drive everyting starts in a few seconds with the shortcut:

c:\dlc\bin\prowin32.exe -basekey "INI" -ininame c:\myini.ini -p ...

Now if I cut the ini file back from is current size (about 9K) to just the vital stuff the start time shows itself to be directly related to the file size (4K file gives about 25 secs start time). I have tried this on two different network servers and it happens with both.

My question is - does this problem occur with other peoples systems? Has anyone know what could be causing it?

Once we have similar problem, temporary files were put on the network drive. Can you check this possibility?

Other idea is enabled virus protection for this file. I think it is opened many times during start-up and this can cause performance problem.

Best regards,
Thanks Guys, I knew about the tempary files and we are using the -T option, but I didn't think about our virus software and of course that was the cause of the delay.