How-to input unicode values in input field


New Member

I'm doing some tests with OpenEdge 10.1B in a Windows XP environment. This because I want multi-lingual user-input into my application and OE has more support for Unicode and UTF-8.

I start the application with the parameters '-cpinternal utf-8' and '-cpstream utf-8'. No database is connected. The input field is on a window created with Appbuilder and stored as a .w-file.

I want to give the user the possibility to input characters which are not on his standard keyboard. For example the letter ă (A-breve). In MS Word I can create the letter by using ALT + 0259. In the Progress input field this method doesn't work. I know I can copy the letter from MS Word or the Character Map but I was hoping I could insert the letter the same way as in MS Word.

If I display the value of the input field with CHR the result is 50307.

Any suggestions?