Good to have the forum back...


Well-Known Member

Agreed. Some feedback as to what happened would be nice.

Progresstalk has gone down quite a few times lately. I noticed that Chris' other site was also down during the same period.

Cringer Moderator
Staff member
Definite withdrawal here too!! :D

AFAIK some of the downtimes previously were to do with a resources issue, probably a memory leak in the forum code or something like that. I believe Chris fixed that issue, so I'm not sure what this
issue was. Must have been pretty major as Chris has been pretty good at getting things fixed in the past when I've alerted him. This took a few days to resolve.


Well-Known Member
When the site goes down in a major way, a static html page with "We know there is an issue and we are working on it." would be nice. Now it was just a black hole full of uncertainty.

Cringer Moderator
Staff member
Agreed - obviously if it's the whole ISP that is gone it's a different story!

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
Sorry about that, had a couple of issues lately. Latest one was an Apache upgrade to the new 2.4.1 version. For some unknown reason, the web server process was crashing. I've downgraded back to 2.2.22 and all has been back to normal.