Get Selected Printer



I am working in Progress 9.1E in a Windows XP environment and I am trying to update a report, basically the original report gathered all of the transactions from an employees history. I was tasked with adding the ability for the user to generate a summary or detailed report. I managed that just fine, the user can select between Summary or Detailed, it outputs to the printer or terminal based on your selection. The problem is I cannot figure out which printer the output is being sent to, the reason is that the report uses mfselbpr.i to prompt for the printer, the reason I need to know the printer is that due to a header being placed on the page the page bleeds over 4 lines and then starts a new page, I am trying to get the printer name so I can set OUTPUT TO xxxxxxxx PAGESIZE (Current Page Size - 4)

If anyone has a way of doing or can point me in the direction to read up on how to do this even I would be greatful, If I need to scrap the mfselbpr.i and use getprinters() and then set session:printer-name to one of the get-printers items I can do that I already created a solution like that but was told the users here wouldn't use it and would complain.


Thanks in Advance