Delete Archive Procedure


New Member

I am looking for a procedure for delete / archiving Mfg-Pro.

We have over 30000 items with more 20000 set to obsolete.

Unfortunately MfgPro (8.6e GUI) didn't ship with the option to exclude items from report by item status, and reports are unwieldy, especially when exported to Excel for example.

I am looking for a robust procedure for delete / archiving Mfg-Pro. I am aware that to delete Items you need make sure that they are not on any SO, PO or BOM.

Please if you would post a document or the sequence ideally having the ability to access deleted / archived data.


You cannot delete Items if transactions exist. You can or I can customise reports to exclude non-active parts.

On Delete archive. Create and set a backup db. It should be accessible to users for verification. Check and agree with users what data can be del/arc.

Every module used by yourself has a delete archive program. Execute them.

I recommend a dump/load to take out white spaces.

All above, Must be done in single user Mode.


New Member
Kishor Char

Your bedside manner and and ability to read the question have escaped you.

Thanks for your time all the same.


New Member

No. To clarify, the procedure and as I said, the sequence for deleting /archiving to ultimately remove items is what I need.

For example without a sequence I am left trying to work it out:

1) 1.4.1 Item Master Maintenance

Delete Part 000054321 – Outstanding Sales Order SA12345

2) 7.3.13 Scheduled Order Maintenance.

SA12345 Line 1 – Schedule Exists delete Not Allowed.

3) 7.5.23 Scheduled Order Delete/Archive

All Types, Plan, Ship, Req Ship, Inactive Only – No, Detail Only – No, Delete – Yes

Revisit Stage 2.

185 Shippers / Containers for Order SA1234545 including 000054321.

Then the next menu blocks the delete.... AND SO ON....... ;(*

So there must be a procedure that gives the order without trial and error.

There is no established seq. From support site:
The transaction used to delete an item in the item master is the item master maintenance 1.4.1. Enter the item number that has to be deleted and use the function F5 key. This function deletes any item that does not have any attached records. Records attached to items that required deletion need to be deleted/archived in order for the item master record to be deleted. If there are any attached records to the item master an error will be displayed. Item master records can also be deleted using the utility 36.25.10 Item Master Delete (ppptmt05.p). Delete item master records with care and ensure security controls are in place to maintain the deletion of these records. It is never recommended to delete records through Progress.
Some of the records that may be attached to item master records and require delete/archive are as follows:
Unused in_mstr records can be deleted in 36.25.41 Delete Unused in_mstr Records (utindel.p) which will fail on various tables. Depending on the warning message that you receive, in 1.4.1 Item Master Maintenance, or the records which fail in 36.25.41 Delete Unused in_mstr Records, you will have to process the following transactions:

16.23 Work order delete/archive, archives and deletes all work orders that were closed. Archiving should be done for all activity/transactions that were done in prior years. If there is still a work order associated with an item, the following steps have taken:

*Review the work order status to make sure the work order is closed.
*If the due date is prior to 1998 change the due date to today's date.
*Run work order delete/archive 16.23 for that work order with delete = yes.

The work order is now deleted from the database.
Delete Product Structure: 13.5 Product Structure Maintenance - If there is a product structure associated with the item that has to be deleted all of the lower level items must be removed from the product structure first. Additional, the product structures must be deleted from the lower level to the higher level. After the product structure has been deleted run reset low level codes 23.22 to eliminate all logical links.

Operations and routings. If the item has a routing the routings and the associated operations have to be removed from the database. Run 14.13.23 Routing delete/archive and 17.23 Operation delete/archive.

Inventory records. Review inventory to establish that there is zero quantity on hand. Any items that have inventory on hand can not be deleted. Run zero batch delete/archive 3.23. Additionally, if there are any inventory transactions associated to an item it is necessary to archive them prior to deleting the item. Run transaction delete/archive 3.21.23 to delete the inventory transactions.

Use Shop floor control 17.23 Operation delete/archive if there is an outstanding repetitive production schedule. The following steps should be performed:

Run repetitive schedule 18.5 using due date of 12.31.94. If there are any outstanding schedules they will be printed. These schedules have to be deleted in 18.3 Repetitive schedule maintenance. Then repetitive history delete/archive 18.23 should be run.

Purchase orders. There cannot be any opened purchase orders associated with the item that is to be deleted. To insure that all the closed purchase orders are off the database run po delete/archive transactions 5.22 and 5.23.