data definition file creation


New Member

I want to create a definition file (.df) with an editor (vi) to create a new table in a progress database.
At the end of the file, there is the followings lines :


What is the number 0000001669 ??

Bests regards.


My configuration :
Server : HPUX 10.20
Progress : 7.3E16


Well-Known Member
That is some offset, as far as I know, it is the number of bytes that have been written to the file so far. As the .df usually is created by a procedure developed in the ABL the SEEK function is used:
SEEK Returns the offset of the file pointer in a text file as an INT64 value ...

As far as I know if that number is not accurate nothing is happening.

Still, you should be aware that you enter risky territory when creating or editing .df files outside of the standard tools and I would strongly recommend you to not do so.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.

Cringer Moderator
Staff member
Why do you want to create the df yourself? Just create an empty copy of the db, connect with the Data Dictionary and add the info you need, then create an incremental df to the production db.


New Member

The database is busy. I just want to prepare the creation of the table and create it from house after work.



Well-Known Member
IMHO, you should use an ERD tool for database design ( I know it is a different discussion but I think it is essential as soon as the database grows to contain more than a handful of tables with a handful of fields ).

Nevertheless, I think you should always have a dedicated database that contains only the database schema which sole purpose is the maintenance of the schema, regardless whether you use an ERD tool and forward engineer the schema changes into it or if you do it manually with one of the tools provided by Progress. Then, and only then, when the changes to the database schema have passed a quality toll gate, you can then propagate the changes to the "real" database, usually the one in the development environment and from there into production. The ability to create a delta data definition file between fits perfectly into that scenario and works without a fuzz.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.

tamhas Sponsor
Right, but one must omit them entirely, not partially and not have inaccurate data in them.