Crystal Reps command/view parameter


I'm researching the possibilities of Crystal Reports 11 with our Progress 91d application.
I've managed to export a report from our Progress application but now i'm to setting the parameters.
I can set normal parameters (that is report parameters) just fine:
chParamDefs = chReport:ParameterFields.
chParam = chParamdefs:GetItemByName("crpIdPolis").
And when I have 3 parameters and set 1 this way, CR only prompts the user for the other 2.

But now I have a parameter in a command (in database expert you can create views by adding a command in stead of a table. In the SQL-statement of this view you can use a parameter which you define in the same screen)
Now I get 2 value-prompt-windows, first one with the command/view parameter (which restricts the possible choices of the second parameter) and then a new window with the second parameter.
Now when I set the command/view parameter with progress I still get the value-prompt-window, unlike the first case with 3 normal report-parameters
Does anyone know how to disable the first window but leave the second one?